Appointment at Columbia University

My doctor’s appointment at Columbia University (New York Presbyterian Hospital) went as expected yesterday. Dr. R. thinks that an FVFG is the best route to take. Surgery is long, usually lasting 6-8 hours. They need to graft a section of my fibula, drill a hole in my hip, insert the graft, and microscopically attach the blood vessels. The hospital stay is 5-7 days, after which I think I’ll stay at my parents house for a week or two. Recovery is around 6 months on crutches, as expected. I won’t be doing any physical activities for a year after the surgery. Not sure when I’m going to have the surgery yet, I’ll post when I do.

The good news is, theoretically, I can still return to a normal physical lifestyle after this surgery if the hip heals well.


One response to “Appointment at Columbia University”

  1. I was diagnosed with AVN in right femoral head in 2001. I was in the Army at the time. I had a FVFBG at Brooke army medical center in San Antonio. I was medically discharged and am on disability status through the VA. I am doing well though. How are you doing….when will you have your surgery? If you have any questions, let me know.

    Sabrina Beganny