7 month update, and one of the last!

Today was a very good day. I had my monthly meeting with my orthopedic specialist at Boston Medical Center. He took another set of x-rays and was very happy with them. My hip appears to be almost healed, and it shouldn’t be more than a couple months before I’m active again!

I keep my crutch by the door because I only use it when I am walking around outside, the rest of the time I hobble/limp around. I am getting a heel lift for my shorter leg next week, hopefully that will make walking a little easier.

The best news of all is, I asked how likely it would be that I could make a full recovery and be ready to go back to PLC-Srs in 8 months, and he said likely! He suggested I start doing non-impact excersises, like biking and swimming, until I can start running again in a couple months.

I joined the YMCA that I talked about joining a while back. It’s not quite as nice as the Boston Sports Club I belonged to before, but it’s not even two blocks away, and it’s half the price.

I am very excited about getting back into the shape I was in before. I’ve been waiting a long time for this. I’ve been at the gym every day since I joined. It feels so good to be sore!


3 responses to “7 month update, and one of the last!”

  1. Congratulations and good luck to you!

  2. You are so doggone motivating. When I read your blog, I just want to get up and get my ass PTing now.


  3. That post made me so happy! (and all of the other people in my office who are reading along with me about your story). I am sure you are thrilled, too.. It sounds like there are some good things coming to you at last. Big hugs- S