Author: Openbah
1 month post-FVFG follow-up
Had my 1 month follow-up at BMC last week. They took a set of X-rays and said that there were no visible changes (which is a good thing right now).
Post-op X-rays
Here are a couple X-rays that were taken immediately following my surgery. You can see the drain tube I was talking about in this X-ray. A screw was also inserted to make sure the fibula graft stays put until it bonds with the hip.
More details on my surgery
I arrived at Columbia Presbyterian at 7AM on March 14th. After being admitted I was told to wait to be brought to x-ray. Eventually someone came, led me to x-ray, films were taken, and I was brought to the pre-op area. A couple nurses and doctors came in and thoroughly went through my medical history,…
2 week follow-up appointment
Had my 2 week follow-up appointment with my surgeon in Englewood, NJ. A set of x-rays were taken, which were unremarkable. Next the 59 staples in my leg were removed and replaced by steri-strips. It feels great to have them out. Finally, my doctor came in and did a quick assessment of the incisions and…