Category: Marines

  • 2 week follow-up appointment

    Had my 2 week follow-up appointment with my surgeon in Englewood, NJ. A set of x-rays were taken, which were unremarkable. Next the 59 staples in my leg were removed and replaced by steri-strips. It feels great to have them out. Finally, my doctor came in and did a quick assessment of the incisions and…

  • Surgery went well

    Sorry it has taken me a few days to update you all on my surgery. I’ve been a bit out of it. I was in the OR for 11.5 hours, I know, really long time. The docs said things went very well. They cut out about 8″ of fibula, thinned it down a little, cleared…

  • Surgery tomorrow

    I’m leaving for NYC in 15 minutes. My mother and I are driving in and staying at a family friend’s condo in Manhattan. My father will drive in tomorrow morning. This past week my stomach has been in a giant knot. It seems no matter how relaxed I pretend to be, it is a true…

  • Surgery date of March 14th finalized

    I got a call from a resident at my surgeon’s office today. My new surgery date is March 14th. I feel confident that it will not change again. He explained why they’ve been changing the dates. The first time was because they had too many surgeries scheduled that day and wanted more time to spend…