Category: Marines

  • 9 month post-FVFG follow-up

    Had my 9 month follow-up appointment down in New York City on Monday. I brought down a copy of the MRI I had done 2 weeks ago. He and two other surgeons were pleased with what they saw. There is an increase in blood flow to the head of the hip, and the cartilage on…

  • TDRL orders and the VA

    Just found out that my TDRL orders are still not done. They are on a Commander’s desk and their office is running behind. They said they’ll hopefully be completed this week. Apparently I’m not supposed to try to do anything with the VA until I get that info packet. They make an appointment with the…

  • At a stand-still with registering with the VA

    Did you know that candidates separated from the Marine Corps are never given a DD 214 or any other kind of discharge papers? According to my disenrollment letter: You are separated as a Officer Candidate Disenrollment, Code JFW1. Your description of service is “entry level separation.” Members in this status do not receive a discharge…

  • Waiting to register with the VA

    Found out from a contact at the VA that until I receive my DD214 (discharge papers), I’m still considered in the military. So I’ll just have to wait until I’m officially discharged on November 9th to register.

  • Physical Evaluation Board results

    Last week I got a call from my contact at Newport Naval Hospital, she received the findings of my physical evaluation board. I have been found unfit for duty, received a 30% disability rating, and starting November 9th will be on the TDRL (Temporary Disability Retired List). I was placed on the TDRL because my…