Category: Medical

  • 6-weeks post-FVFG

    Aside from not being about to walk, things are pretty much back to normal. The hip is tender and still has some swelling, but the lower leg is back to normal. The range of motion in my foot is still limited, but that will get better over time. I take Motrin 3 times a day,…

  • 1 month post-FVFG follow-up

    Had my 1 month follow-up at BMC last week. They took a set of X-rays and said that there were no visible changes (which is a good thing right now).

  • Post-op X-rays

    Here are a couple X-rays that were taken immediately following my surgery. You can see the drain tube I was talking about in this X-ray. A screw was also inserted to make sure the fibula graft stays put until it bonds with the hip.

  • More details on my surgery

    I arrived at Columbia Presbyterian at 7AM on March 14th. After being admitted I was told to wait to be brought to x-ray. Eventually someone came, led me to x-ray, films were taken, and I was brought to the pre-op area. A couple nurses and doctors came in and thoroughly went through my medical history,…

  • 2 week follow-up appointment

    Had my 2 week follow-up appointment with my surgeon in Englewood, NJ. A set of x-rays were taken, which were unremarkable. Next the 59 staples in my leg were removed and replaced by steri-strips. It feels great to have them out. Finally, my doctor came in and did a quick assessment of the incisions and…