Tag: hip

  • 9 month post-FVFG follow-up

    Had my 9 month follow-up appointment down in New York City on Monday. I brought down a copy of the MRI I had done 2 weeks ago. He and two other surgeons were pleased with what they saw. There is an increase in blood flow to the head of the hip, and the cartilage on…

  • 6 month post-FVFG follow-up

    I had my 6 month follow-up appointment last week down in NYC. My doctor took a look at my MRI and said things looked great and the hip was healing nicely. My level of pain is normal, but should subside with physical therapy. And the best news of all… I’m officially weight-bearing as tolerated! I…

  • 5 month post-FVFG follow-up

    Had my 5 month post-FVFG followup at Boston Medical Center a few weeks ago. They took another set of X-rays and compared them to the previous set taken the month before. The doctor said that there were no changes, which isn’t a good or bad thing, it just means that there were no changes significant…

  • 4 month post-FVFG follow-up

    Had my 4 month follow-up at Boston Medical Center the other day. They took a set of x-rays, which looked good, and my doctor increased my weight-bearing up to 50%. I have to stay on 2 crutches still, but it feels good to stand with equal weight on both legs. I have one more appointment…

  • Banned for life

    I’ve always wanted to be a bone marrow donor, but could never remember to research it. I was reading someone’s blog tonight and they had a link to the National Marrow Donor Program website. I got excited about signing up, until I read: If you have any of the following conditions, you will not be…