Tag: hss
Total hip replacement surgery today
Woke up this morning around 5:30AM, covered in sweat. I got up and cracked a window, but it wasn’t particularly hot in my bedroom. I then remembered the last dream I was having, where I was running a race. I remember struggling terribly and having the urge to quit with every step. It has been…
Pre-surgical screening, clearance, & workshop: Part II
Had my pre-surgical screening, clearance, & workshop yesterday at Hospital for Special Surgery. Things went very well. I arrived a little before my scheduled 9AM start time. After meeting with patient registration, they took some blood for labs, did a chest x-ray, and did a urine screen. Things went very smoothly and everyone was very…
One month from my total hip replacement
Thought of some questions I didn’t get a chance to ask my new surgeon when I met with him back in October. His office manager said I could email her the questions, and she would get them answered. In just a couple days, I had my answers: 1) I would prefer general to regional anesthesia,…
Pre-surgical screening, clearance, & workshop
Received a letter from my surgeon with the details of my three pre-surgery appointments, all of which happen on December 28th. I have laboratory tests, x-rays, and an EKG at 9AM, a total joint workshop at 11AM, and a physical examination at 2PM. I also need to bring a letter from my dentist stating that…
Hip replacement surgery approved
Just heard back from the Hospital for Special Surgery regarding my upcoming total hip replacement. They received the authorization fax from Tricare this morning. I’m still waiting on my copy of the authorization, but it looks like things are all set for January 5th. Only 75 days away!