Tag: pain

  • Orders to Bethesda

    Received my first orders to appear for the temporary disability retired list (TDRL) periodic physical examination (PPE) this week. I am to report to Bethesda Naval Hospital by the end of June 2010 to “determine any change in the condition for which I was placed on the TDRL.” As you may remember reading, those on…

  • Second semester at NYU

    Believe it or not, not a lot has happened since I last posted. I finished my first semester of going back to school in late December, and had the next four weeks off to relax. Since NYU knew the VA was going to pay for my spring semester, I didn’t need to make any kind…

  • First two appointments with the VA

    I just got home from my second appointment with the VA. I had my first appointment last Wednesday. I was right, it turned out to be just a basic medical appointment. I met with a nurse practitioner, and we did a full medical history, starting from my initial injury. She checked my vitals (blood pressure,…

  • 6 month post-FVFG follow-up

    I had my 6 month follow-up appointment last week down in NYC. My doctor took a look at my MRI and said things looked great and the hip was healing nicely. My level of pain is normal, but should subside with physical therapy. And the best news of all… I’m officially weight-bearing as tolerated! I…

  • 3 month post-FVFG follow-up

    It’s been 3 long months since I was operated on at Columbia Presbyterian Hospital. A lot has changed in the past few weeks. The hip doesn’t hurt like it used to. When I’m relaxing, it doesn’t hurt at all. I take Motrin sparingly, almost exclusively at night. Until this point, I was on a non-weight…