I got another x-ray and met with my orthopedic specialist at Boston Medical Center yesterday. I knew what to expect so I didn’t get my hopes up. I was right, and it will be another 4-8 weeks before he lets me walk.
The only good news is Dr. C. upped my weight bearing to 50%, which means I can at least stand without crutches. Everything on the x-ray looks great and things should heal well, Dr. C. just doesn’t want me screwing things up. He’d rather me stay off the leg until the bone is 100% healed, rather than have me re-injure the hip and require another surgery.
I can’t say I disagree with him; it’s just tough to accept. I remember coming out of surgery at Bethesda, and the docs telling me it would be up to 12 weeks before I’d walk again. Here it is 12 weeks later and it’s going to be another 4-8 more.
2 responses to “Twelve week update”
I’m sure you’re disappointed about more time on crutches but I’m glad at least that you’re not going in for more surgery. Besides, this means more time to develop awesome crutch tricks!
Glad to hear there is improvement, though I’m sure the 4-8 more weeks thing is annoying. Take care!