Author: Openbah

  • It’s official! I’m a Registered Nurse in NY State!

    I took and passed my boards (the dreaded NCLEX) on March 3rd, and just got my license in the mail today. Guess I have to get a job now!

  • 6-week post THR appointment

    Had my 6-week followup with my surgeon at Hospital for Special Surgery. The appointment went well. He said I still have about 6 weeks of recovery left. I was happy to hear that the hip precautions are gone, except for crossing my right leg over my left. That will make things easier. He also said…

  • One month after THR

    It’s been a month since I had my total hip replacement. For the most part things have been progressing slowly, but they are definitely moving in the right direction. The hip is feeling really good. It’s amazing to be able to sit on the subway or in a restaurant and not be in terrible pain.…

  • THR physical therapy

    Began my outpatient physical therapy yesterday. Their location is great, I can almost see the facility from my bedroom window. My therapist is very orthopedically experienced and I hope it will be a good match. I’m going twice this week, but will start going three days a week beginning Monday. The leg has been feeling…

  • THR incision photos

    Took a couple photos of my incision. It is much shorter than my FVFG incision, but follows the same path. In this photo, you can see the FVFG incision extend down the leg underneath the THR incision. It’s been two weeks since my surgery, so I can finally can get the staples removed today.