Author: Openbah
Physical therapy started
After almost a week of being at home, I finally had a visit from my in-home physical therapist last Friday. As far as exercises, there were no surprises, since I’ve been through this a few times already. My hip has been feeling pretty good, except after my exercises when my entire thigh aches with deep…
Successful THR surgery
I arrived at the Hospital for Special Surgery a few minutes after 8AM. We found the 4th floor family atrium and signed in. My family sat in the atrium, while I registered and received my ID bracelet down the hall. Not long after registering, I was brought into the pre-op area, and told to change…
Total hip replacement surgery today
Woke up this morning around 5:30AM, covered in sweat. I got up and cracked a window, but it wasn’t particularly hot in my bedroom. I then remembered the last dream I was having, where I was running a race. I remember struggling terribly and having the urge to quit with every step. It has been…
Total hip replacement animation
Found this great video on the Stryker® website that clearly shows each step of my upcoming total hip replacement.
Pre-surgical screening, clearance, & workshop: Part II
Had my pre-surgical screening, clearance, & workshop yesterday at Hospital for Special Surgery. Things went very well. I arrived a little before my scheduled 9AM start time. After meeting with patient registration, they took some blood for labs, did a chest x-ray, and did a urine screen. Things went very smoothly and everyone was very…