Category: Life
Owen & Liz get married
Owen & Liz’s wedding was last weekend down in Long Beach Island, NJ. My father performed the ceremony. He isn’t a priest, he’s the Mayor, and Mayors can marry people in NJ, something I didn’t know until he became Mayor. This was the fourth wedding he has done. Everyone had an awesome time, the whole…
Dead phone, new phone
My cell phone mysteriously died two nights ago. This morning I went down to the Sprint store and since my phone was within warranty they said they’d give me a new phone, but since they didn’t have any of my old phone in stock, they gave me a new Sanyo Katana. I think it’s kinda…
Back from California
Got back yesterday from an awesome trip to the left coast. Got into LAX late Wednesday night and spent 3 nights in LA. Went to a gun range, where I took out some frustration with a Glock 21. Met up with college friends for drinks every night. At the range…
I’ve decided to make a trip out to California to see some friends. I’m flying into Los Angeles tonight, spending a few days there, then driving to Camp Pendleton (San Diego) on Saturday. I’ll be flying back to Boston Tuesday morning.
Why Yankees fans suck
I know the Red Sox have been sucking lately, especially during yesterday’s double-header, but does that give Yankees fans the right to leave voicemails like this on my phone?