Category: Life

  • Owen & Liz get married

    Owen & Liz’s wedding was last weekend down in Long Beach Island, NJ. My father performed the ceremony. He isn’t a priest, he’s the Mayor, and Mayors can marry people in NJ, something I didn’t know until he became Mayor. This was the fourth wedding he has done. Everyone had an awesome time, the whole…

  • Dead phone, new phone

    My cell phone mysteriously died two nights ago. This morning I went down to the Sprint store and since my phone was within warranty they said they’d give me a new phone, but since they didn’t have any of my old phone in stock, they gave me a new Sanyo Katana. I think it’s kinda…

  • Back from California

    Got back yesterday from an awesome trip to the left coast. Got into LAX late Wednesday night and spent 3 nights in LA. Went to a gun range, where I took out some frustration with a Glock 21. Met up with college friends for drinks every night. At the range…

  • California

    I’ve decided to make a trip out to California to see some friends. I’m flying into Los Angeles tonight, spending a few days there, then driving to Camp Pendleton (San Diego) on Saturday. I’ll be flying back to Boston Tuesday morning.

  • Why Yankees fans suck

    I know the Red Sox have been sucking lately, especially during yesterday’s double-header, but does that give Yankees fans the right to leave voicemails like this on my phone?