Ten day update

It has been ten days since my surgery at Bethesda. It is amazing how much things have changed since then. As expected, my movement in the hospital bed was mainly limited to my upper body. I could move my feet a little and could wiggle my toes, something the docs made me do regularly. Two days after my surgery the physical therapist forced me to get up and learn how to use crutches.

When I first got back at my apartment, I couldn’t do much of anything myself, I needed assistance with everything. Slowly, I’ve learned how to lift my body in and out of the bed and chairs, and I’ve really gotten the hang of crutches.

I went outside yesterday for the first time since being discharged. I used my crutches and made it all the way to the office of my management company a few blocks away. I wasn’t sure if I was going to make it all the way on crutches so my father pushed my wheelchair behind me. It felt awesome to be outside and get some air and sun.